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This project grew within me as the product of many years of active involvement in the world of modern classical music, as well as collaborations with artists from various other genres - world music, jazz, rock, and electronica. I found myself increasingly drawn to the rich, open world of modern jazz, but wanted to find a way to connect that world with my own internal musical sensibilities. I also wanted to find a way to connect modern jazz and the classical canon within which I was raised; to create a time-machine that would connect this new language with the old, creating a single, fused form of musical expression. While researching previous endeavors, I found it difficult to find works that managed to connect the two genres while retaining the individual integrity of each. I found many examples of beautiful improvisation, but nothing that indicated a written piece by a composer taking full responsibility for his/her musical choices. 


I decided to take this challenge upon myself. I began to search for the fine balance between pre-scripted music and improvisation, bringing together the precision of classical writing while leaving adequate space for each instrumentalist to express themselves within the music. As a result of this exploration, I began to contact musicians who were fluent in a number of musical languages, as well as being curious and full of love for new and challenging music. 


When I approached the classical masterpieces I had chosen I began first to try and unlock their essence. I took each one apart, analyzing them in terms of harmony, form, theme, but also searching for the character that made each piece uniquely beautiful. Once detected, I used this information to create a new piece within a modern context. This essence was made up of different things - a groove, a sound, a texture, or even just an associative thought. It was necessary to allow for an abstract understanding of the piece in order to understand the relationship between the original piece and the modern jazz I was writing. I made a concerted effort to bring interesting textures to the pieces, as well as orchestrational and dynamic variety. It was especially important to ensure that each piece would take on a new and special character, a truly individual personality. The result of this process is a particularly rich and distinctive jazz sound. Although the language is new, all who encounter it are immediately intrigued and charmed. 




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